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La Spaziale Top Grinder – Cikopi

2019年4月19日 — Grinder Macap M4 atau tipe Top yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan La Spaziale merupakan grinder kelas prosumer artinya


Grinder - Cikopi

Braun KSM2-BLK Aromatic Coffee Grinder. La Spazialle Top Grinder. Rancilio Rocky Doserless (1) Rancilio Rocky Doserless (2) Speed : Gino coffee grinder. Mini Gino


Coffee Grinders - La Spaziale

LA SPAZIALE S.p.A. Via Eleonora Duse, 8 40033 Casalecchio di Reno Bologna, Italy P.Iva IT 01518421209 info@laspaziale


La Spaziale Top on Demand Grinder coffee industry

Motor: 1400 giri/min. Bean hopper capacity : 0,6 Kg. Power supply: 110/230 V - 50/60 Hz - 250 W. Weight: 8,5 Kg. Dimensions: P = 310 mm L = 190 mm H = 470 mm. La Spaziale.


Mac 80 On Demand - La Spaziale

Technical Features. Flat blades ø 83 mm. Motor: 1350-1550 rpm/min. Bean hopper capacity: 1,5 Kg. Power supply: 110/230 V - 50/60 Hz - 650 W. Weight: 15 Kg. Dimensions: P =


La Spaziale Coffee Grinders - The Bird Espresso

Shop our wide range of high-quality La Spaziale Coffee Grinders at The Bird Espresso. Enjoy the smooth and seamless shopping experience here.


La Spaziale S1 Vivaldi II in Black – Whole Latte Love

The Vivaldi II from La Spaziale is an industrious dual boiler machine boasting several innovative features and commercial certifications, including NSF. It features a near-silent rotary pump and requires direct plumbing


La Spaziale Astro 12 aka Macap MXD - Home

2017年2月25日 — Anyone have hands on experience with La Spaziale Astro 12 aka Macap MXD. Local seller has one used for decent price. I'm not currently needing but always curious Was able to grab these specs


La Spaziale - Espresso Planet

2024年7月8日 — Top quality espresso coffee machines designed and manufactured in Italy by La Spaziale. Smart design and commercial grade parts, make the La Spaziale a


La Spaziale S1 Dream – Cikopi

2016年5月6日 — Kini mereka baru saja meluncurkan seri terbaru La Spaziale S1 dengan tipe Vivaldi Dream dan bersiaplah dengan beragam fitur terbaru yang menarik untuk ditelaah

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